Monday, February 13, 2012

It is a new trimester, and once again time to switch coaches.  I would like to welcome all of the students coming from coach Pope's P.E. classes.  Throughout this trimester we will continue to work on have good sportsmanship, teamwork, and skill development for each sport.  
This week is all about the game of basketball.  Kindergarten and first grade will be working on things like dribbling the basketball in one place, dribbling the basketball along the lines of the court, passing the ball to partners correctly, and getting the ball above the basketball using one or two hands.  Second grade will be focusing on skills like dribbling the basketball while alternating hands, looking up while dribbling the basketball, and passing and shooting with correct form.  Third and forth grade will be practicing using correct form while dribbling around set cones on the court,  passing and shooting with correct form, pivoting, laying-up the ball, and teamwork.



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