Monday, November 14, 2011

The Switch

We are officially switching coaches and kids this week.  Coach Every will welcome the group that was with Coach Cameron for the first trimester.  Coach Pope will welcome the group coming from Coach Every.  I would like to welcome all of the students who had Coach Pope for the first trimester.  

The first unit for this trimester will be basketball.  All of my classes will go to the recreational gym to start their basketball unit.  Kindergarten will focus on learning how to bounce, catch, and dribble the basketball on lines of the court.  They will also have a chance to practice shooting and passing the basketball around the court.  Some of the things first and second grade will focus on this week are dribbling the basketball on lines around the court with correct form, passing the basketball (chest and bounce passes) with partners, and laying up the basketball. Third and Fourth grade will focus on utilizing both hands while dribbling the basketball around set cones, shooting and laying up the basketball with the correct form, and teamwork games/activities.  

Its going to be great!!

Note: Please have your child wear sneakers/running shoes to accommodate the gym floor.            

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