Monday, October 10, 2011

The Red Zone

  We will be finishing our flag football unit  on Wednesday of this week.  There are a few more skills for the younger grades to work on before we move on to our next sport.  Kindergarten and first grade will also be taking part in modified flag football games to end their unit.  The older grades will all have a chance to play flag football games this week.
  On Wednesday of this week, we will be starting our soccer unit.  The younger classes will start with basic motor skill development activities related to the game of soccer.  Grades 2-4 will be working on a variety of soccer skills and drills.  The focus of these skills and drills will be different for 2nd, 3rd and 4th grade.    These drills will help to increase ball control, promote correct dribbling techniques,  and body awareness related to soccer.          

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