Monday, October 31, 2011

On The Track & Field

We will be starting our track and field unit this week.  All the students will have the opportunity to take part in sprinting, long jumping, relays, and small hurdles.  Each student will also have a chance to record times , and jumping distances for partners. Participate in the track and field unit will help the continued motor development of each student in multiple ways. 

Monday, October 24, 2011

In The New Gym Now

We are so very excited to have our new athletic center use this week.  All of the classes will be going up to the new gym for some fun games and activities.  These games are designed to promote hand, eye, and foot coordination.  Another reason for us all going to the new gym this week is to go over all the rules with the students for using the facilities of the athletic center.  We will also work on forming good routines with the students for moving to and from athletic center.  All of the students are very excited to have this new facility.  Its going to be great!!!

Note: Only running/tennis shoes are to be used on the courts in the athletic center.  Please make sure your child has these type of shoes on P.E. days.   

Monday, October 17, 2011

Just Kick It!!

We are continuing with our soccer unit in P.E. this week.  The younger classes will be focusing on learning  basic dribble, pass, trapping, and appropriate shooting skills sets.  Some of the other things kindergarten will focus on this week are controlling the soccer ball while moving in a specific direction, and also practice passing the ball to each other in a circle.  First grade will practicing some things like moving the ball down and around a cone with along with trapping and passing.    They will have a chance to work on these skills and take part in other team building related activities.  The older classes (3rd and 4th) will be working on more advanced skills like heading the ball , tackling, chest trap, just to name a few.  The skills that each grade focuses on will be different.  They will also be taking part in activities that promote team work and sportsmanship. 


Monday, October 10, 2011

The Red Zone

  We will be finishing our flag football unit  on Wednesday of this week.  There are a few more skills for the younger grades to work on before we move on to our next sport.  Kindergarten and first grade will also be taking part in modified flag football games to end their unit.  The older grades will all have a chance to play flag football games this week.
  On Wednesday of this week, we will be starting our soccer unit.  The younger classes will start with basic motor skill development activities related to the game of soccer.  Grades 2-4 will be working on a variety of soccer skills and drills.  The focus of these skills and drills will be different for 2nd, 3rd and 4th grade.    These drills will help to increase ball control, promote correct dribbling techniques,  and body awareness related to soccer.          

Monday, October 3, 2011

On the football field again

We had a great start to our flag football unit last week.  Kindergarten and 1st grade did a great job learning the basics of the game.  2nd through 4th grades did their very best learning new football skills.  We are continuing with our flag football unit this week.  The younger grades will be working on throwing and catching the football.  they will also play tag games (with flags) related to the game of football.  The older grades with be working on skills that will require them to throw, run, and catch the football.  These skills are important to practice when playing/learning the game.  This will also help to improve their foot work, hand and eye coordination, and overall motor skills.