Monday, March 26, 2012

The Soccer Games

Coach Cameron's classes will be playing soccer games all this week.  After focusing on dribbling, passing, trapping, shooting, and other skills last week, all of the classes are taking part in games.  The games for kindergarten and first grade will focus on working together as a team, showing good sportsmanship, and keeping the ball in play and using their in-step to control the ball.  The older grades are focusing on moving the soccer ball through space by making good passes, controlling and trapping the ball, and kicking the ball on target towards the goal.  

We are all in this together.... Relay For Life!!!!


Monday, March 19, 2012

Soccer after the break

This week is all about soccer in coach Cameron's P.E. classes.  Kindergarten and First grade will be focusing on passing and dribbling the ball correctly with small groups, dribbling around set courses, and other drills to build on their skill set for passing and dribbling.  Second grade will focus on using their in-step to pass and trap the ball, dribbling around set cones and kicking for accuracy towards set objects.  Third grade will be working on dribbling, passing, trapping and shooting the ball with correct form. The Third graders are also going the play some modified games this week.  The Fourth graders will focus on passing the ball with only one touch, shooting the directly off of a pass, heading, trapping, and games will also be played. 

Monday, March 5, 2012

Flag football Games

All of the classes will be playing flag football games this week.  The younger grades will be taking part in modified flag football games. Catching and running with the football are the focus of this week's games for the younger grades.  The older grades are playing football games as well.   Their games will focus on hiking, throwing catching, and running with the football.  Playing defense is another focus point as well.  

We are having our Lower Division Field Day on Friday of this week.  Please remember to pack sunscreen as it scheduled to take place from 10:00am to 11:30am.  

Fun In The Sun!!!