Monday, January 30, 2012

Track and fitness testing

This week will be full of many different events for all classes.  The younger grades will be continuing with their track and field unit.  They will be practicing how to run and pass the baton, staying in given lanes while running, and using the stopwatches to keep time for others in their group.  Third and fourth grade will be continuing with fitness testing this week.  Third grade will be on the track for the mile run on Tuesday.  The shuttle run, sit-ups, arm hang/pull-ups, and the sit & reach test are also on the schedule for third and fourth.

                                          SIT & REACH TEST

Work hard.... Play hard!!!   

Monday, January 23, 2012

Track & Field

This week is all about track and field.  We started this unit last week, and will be continuing with it this week as well.  The younger grades will be working on starting out of the blocks,  running within assigned lanes, holding and running with the baton correctly, and jumping over mini hurdles using the same lead foot.  The older grades will work on passing the baton properly, coming out of the starting blocks correctly, 50 meter dash, 75 meter dash (fourth grade), and mini hurdles.  Fourth grade is also scheduled to run the mile on Thursday of this week.  

Fast as Fast can be..... you'll never catch me.....

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Kick and Run

All of coach Cameron's classes will be playing indoor soccer games in the recreation gym this week.  We will complete our soccer unit on Wednesday, and will be moving on to our track and field unit by Thursday of this week.  
On Thursday of this week we will begin our track and field unit.  Kindergarten and first grade will be working on starting and running short sprints while focusing on staying inside running lanes on the track. They will also learn how to use a stopwatch to record time.   Second through fourth grade will be focusing on using the correct form while running, using the correct form when coming out of the starting blocks, and learning how to finish a sprint correctly.  

Fun Fun Fun!! 

Monday, January 9, 2012

Soccer Week

This week is all about soccer in coach Cameron's P.E. classes.  Kindergarten and First grade will be focusing on passing and dribbling the ball correctly with small groups, dribbling around set courses, and other drills to build on their skill set for passing and dribbling.  Second grade will focus on using their in-step to pass and trap the ball, dribbling around set cones and kicking for accuracy towards set objects.  Third grade will be working on dribbling, passing, trapping and shooting the ball with correct form. The Third graders are also going the play some modified games this week.  The Fourth graders will focus on passing the ball with only one touch, shooting the directly off of a pass, heading, trapping, and games will also be played. 


Tuesday, January 3, 2012

New Year........New Week.....

Happy New Year and welcome back all of the students and parents in the lower division.  We will be starting our soccer unit at the end of this week.  The younger grades will be focusing on learning to manipulate the ball with both feet by playing cooperative games.  The older grades will be working on simple passing and trapping of the ball with both feet.  The older grades will also practice controlling the soccer ball while dribbling it around set cones.   All of the students will also be taking part in some group games to continue to build on a spirit of togetherness and good sportsmanship.