Monday, December 12, 2011

Before The Break

We are finishing up with our flag football unit this week.  Flag football games will be played for all grades with some variations for the younger grades.  The students will also be taking part in group games this week to promote school spirit, teamwork, and unity.  

Enjoy the break....Enjoy family and friends....Stay safe!!!  

Monday, December 5, 2011

flag football week

This week is all about football.  We started our football unit last week and are continuing to build on skills necessary for the game.  We will be using flags this week to work on running and avoiding defender while moving in space.  Kindergarten and first grade will also be working on running holding the football with the correct form and teamwork as always.  The second and third graders are focusing on throwing and catching the ball correctly along with running and handing the ball to teammates. Another area of focus for third will be throwing at set targets for accuracy.  The fourth grade girls are practicing throwing at moving targets  and catching while moving in a set direction.  They will also work on running in a set direction while avoiding defenders.