Tuesday, May 29, 2012

What Time is it???


Monday, May 21, 2012

Group Games

This is the last full week for the school year.  We will be playing group games and reviewing skills learned through out the year.  The emphasis this week is on displaying good sportsmanship and teamwork as a part of these games.  We will also be passing out awards for fitness at the end of this week.  

Lets have some fun!!!!

Monday, May 7, 2012

We will be review past units and playing group games this week.  Most of this week will be a review of flag football.  Games that allow the students to run, throw and catch the football are taking place along with some other related group games.  

Lets Have Some Fun!!  

Monday, April 30, 2012

We will be completing our fitness testing in third and fourth grade this week.  The fourth grade class will be taking part in the mile run on Monday.  Third grade will  run the mile on Tuesday.  The younger grades will be playing soccer and other team sports included in this trimester.  All classes will continue to work on emphasizing good sportsmanship and teamwork.        

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Fitness Testing and group games

We will begin fitness testing this week.  Third and fourth grade will be taking part in the presidential physical fitness test for the final time this school year.  Third grade will be in the mini gym on Tuesday for the sit-and-reach and sit-ups, on the court for the shuttle run on Wednesday, and over at the pull-ups/arm hang on Friday.  They will finish up with the mile run and Tuesday of next week.  Fourth grade will begin with the shuttle run on Wednesday.  This will be followed by pull--ups/arm hang on Thursday, and sit-ups and sit-and-reach on Friday.  The mile run for fourth grade will take place on Monday of next week.  
Kindergarten through second grade will be taking part in some group and to promote teamwork and sportsmanship.  They will also get a chance review learned skills for each of the units.  


Monday, April 16, 2012

Hockey Week

This week is all about indoor hockey in coach Cameron's Classes. The younger grades will be learning how to hold and use the indoor hockey stick safely.  They will also practice holding the stick correctly while passing and shooting.  Modified hockey games will be played at the end of the week.  The older grades will be working on holding, passing at shooting the hockey puck using correct form.  Drills for passing and shooting the puck will take place along with drills for accuracy.  Games will be played at the end of the week as well.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Run fast.... Jump high..... Throw far!!

We are continuing with our track and field unit this week.  The younger grades will be learning how to use a stopwatch, jump over mini hurdles, run relays and use correct form while taking part in the shot-put.  They will also continue to focus on running in their assigned lanes when sprinting. The older kids with be learn how to use correct form when high-jumping, jumping over hurdles, running the 100m dash, and taking part in shot-put.